At its recent meeting, the Ferryside Social Enterprise Group emphasized the importance of developing a core business or businesses at the education centre to ensure a sustainable revenue income. The refurbishment and hire of the residential buildings, including catering facilities, would be central to such a business.
As a first step the group are to investigate fast track sources of funding such as the national lottery people and places fund, to cover the capital costs of the project. Following initial contact with the medical centre, it is intended that talks also begin on the establishment a community well being facility which might be able to offer respite care .
The sports group was asked to investigate any local demand for the current hall at the site and to liaise with the boxing club and County council in this respect. Members were also keen to investigate potential future uses for the huts and inquiries in respect of potential arts and crafts were encouraged. Note was made that the RSPB might also be interested in establishing a display area describing local birds.
Officers of the group are scheduled to meet with officers of the County Council and the local member to discuss progress on these issues.