Cross party support for the continued provision of public toilets in small tourist villages in Carmarthenshire

A meeting took place today in the CAVS building in Carmarthen to build support for the continued provision of public toilets. Present were Simon Hart MP and Angela Burns AM (Conservative ), Rhodri Glyn Thomas AM and Jonathan Edwards MP (Plaid Cymru) and Nia Griffiths MP (Labour) along with representatives from a number of affected Community Councils.

Cross Party Support

MPs, AMs and Local Councils working together

Mike Evans and Les Jones from St Ishmael Community Council were there along with Delme Bowen Ferryside resident, Ferryside Village Forum member and organiser of the public petition opposing the closure of the toilets. The community council has recently rejected the latest offer from the County Council to take over the running of the toilets as it would impose a disproportionate financial burden on local people. Delme Bowen presented a 300+ name petition to Jonathan Edwards (MP) and Rhodri Glyn Thomas    (AM )on behalf of the residents of Ferryside.

Their was unanimous agreement from the MPs, AMs, local councillors and residents to oppose the proposed action of Carmarthenshire County Council to close toilets unless they are taken over by community councils. A meeting with members of the executive board is sought as a matter of urgency to encourage them to withdraw the proposal from a forthcoming budget package. MPs and AMs all promised their full support.

Everyone present was urged to petition their County Councillors to oppose closure and to encourage them to vote against the proposal at executive board and in full council.

Our local County Councillor is Councillor Mair Stephens (Independent)                         Email: LMStephens@carmarth Telephone; 01267 267428.  Mair is a member of the influential executive board.

[Thanks to Liz Dutch, Clerk to Llansteffan and Llanybri Community Council  for organising this meeting]