News from FSEG

Ferryside Social Enterprise Group (FSEG)

On April 8th the officers reported on positive and encouraging meetings with Hywel Dda health trust and the local medical practise at the education centre. In principle the health trust would support the establishment of  a “Wellbeing Hub” at  Ferryside to service the local area. Support was also obtained from the local medical practise who emphasised that in terms  of any future development they would not wish to move from their current venue.

The chair introduced Tom Gripper of Broadside Films who enthusiastically expressed a wish to develop a base for filming and photography at the education centre. The group would like to develop a studio for film production using modern equipment and Green Screen facilities in addition to white screen facilities for photography. They would also need some space for props and equipment. It is envisaged that the group would number up to 5 people and would help link the venture with local education establishments such as the Graig and appropriate professionals. The committee encouraged Mr Gripper to press ahead, initially via the County Council, but to advise FSEG of the floor space it would like to use.

Secretary, Cllr Les Jones, presented a detailed requirements analysis for the proposed new community centre based on the 2010 public consultation. This clearly spelt out the preferences of the community, ranging from 70% support for a Medical Centre to 31 % support for a Youth hostel. The main uses proposed were as follows:

Medical Centre, School Facilities, Village Hall, Youth Areas, Training Centre, Social Enterprise, Small Business Starters, Sports Pavilion, Arts/Craft, Youth Hostel, Workshop and swap shops, Allotments, Wellbeing, Broadside Films, RSPB, Farmers Market, and OAP Clubs. The secretary invited comments on the document to be submitted by email after the meeting.

The secretary then outlined potential development options for the education centre:

  1. Demolish all current buildings and erect brand new facilities up to the permitted current floor space.
  2. Demolish everything except the current Medical Centre and add new build.

  1. Keep the current residential build and add an appropriate all purpose Hall.

  1. Keep the wooden huts in the new development.

It was suggested that in respect of option 1, the Medical Centre could initially be retained but transferred into the new build when that was complete. Members surmised that a cost benefit analysis would be required before proceeding and that a sustainable project should be based on a sound business case. The chair indicated that a decision would be made following the receipt of demolition costs at the next meeting. 

                Delme Bowen