News from FSEG Meeting May 20th

Mudiad Cymdeithasol Glanyfferi/Ferryside Social Enterprise Group


The group met at the White Lion Hotel on May 20th. The chair Rev. Philip Johns reported on a meeting with Mrs Rogers, the head of Ferryside primary school. The school welcomed the possibility of using some space in the education centre especially when receiving visits from other schools. They would also be happy to explore the use of any outdoor sport facilities and space for a school garden.

The chair working with Mr Colin Butters, reported that a fitness trail of ten stations would coast around £10,000. Such a set up would include a “wobble board”, stepping stones, chin-up parallel bars and a 3.6 meter traverse wall. A bike track might also be desirable. Llansaint youth club will be contacted for their requirements via Mrs Eleri Thomas.

Ms Wendy James reported that use of the sports MUGA was making slow but steady progress. A request was made for easier access to keys and access to the current hall on the site. Issues being explored included coaching and training costs, badminton nets, rental costs and possible heating and upgrading costs for the hall. The sports group would support access to any sports changing room facilities provided in any new development.

Wendy also confirmed that Ferryside Forum would be very keen for the current market to move to the education centre site as soon as possible and will liaise with Cllr Stephens and others on this. Support for an allotment section was confirmed and City Farms and Mrs Moishe Merry would be contacted for advice.

Following a meeting with local artists Dorothy Morris and Jim Greer, it was hoped that an exhibition wall, studio space and workshops would be developed for hire. There could be potential for residential courses and areas such as music, poetry and literature could also be developed. Dorothy would like to join the group and assist with grant applications. The newly produced pro forma for requirements were provided to Broadside Films, who indicated they would initially require access to a studio, storage space and a three desk office.

Mr Tim Shallcross’s report on local Youth Hostel availability was welcomed and discussed. The charges for rooms appeared to vary from £12 per night at Lampeter to £22 per night at Cardiff. Provision of both single and double rooms would be useful. The nearest Hostels at the moment are at Pendine, Gower and Llandovery. The estimated salary for a warden would be around £22,000 per annum, which could be seasonal or part time. The centre would be ideal for walkers using the costal path.

Mrs Jill Furness reported strong support for well being developments, especially from the Alzheimer Association and the RNIB. Appropriate consulting rooms would be welcomed by the current medical centre. In addition, access ramps and a sensory garden could be provided. The focus would need to be on the medically (especially mentally) impaired. Day care facilities could be explored and Cllr Stephens indicated that stroke and dementia were key areas.

The secretary, Mr Les Jones, indicated that a design case needed to be made as soon as possible, focussing on the modification of the residential block. Mr Anthony Bushell indicated he could suggest suitable architect names. It was proposed that the design should look at roof and window replacement or repair, single and double accommodation rooms, and offices, with disabled Day Care downstairs and bedroom accommodation preferably upstairs.

Officers of FSEG will attend the Big Lottery event at the National Botanic Garden on May 24th for a one to one session with lottery officials.

Next Meeting

Monday July 1st at the White Lion Hotel, Glanyfferi

Delme Bowen.

Basic Computer Classes at village hall

“KITe – Keep in Touch project”

Basic Computer Classes

Wednesdays from 2 to 4pm, Ferryside Village Hall
Starting Wed 22nd May for 6 weeks
Build your confidence in Basic Computer skills, Browsing the Internet, Using Email etc.
Please bring your own laptop if you have one.

Everyone welcome”

Classes are free but there will be a collection to cover the cost of hall hire.

Complementary Health Day. Sunday May 19th. Ferryside Village Hall


Come along to this great event on Sunday the 19th May in Ferryside Village Hall. Starts at 10 a.m

Entry is free and all are welcome

Come along and chat to the practitioners in Aromatherapy, Holistic facials, Human Givens therapy, Indian Head massage, Japanese hand massage, Kinesiology, Reflexology,

Thai foot massage, and much more. Some Practitioners will be offering individual taster sessions Reiki and Tarot readings are available throughout the day for a small fee.

Introductory workshops in Alexander Technique at 11 and Yoga at 12 . You can book a place when you arrive. Delicious healthy snacks, fresh juices, coffee and tea available throughout the day from “Mike’s” market café kitchen.

Contact Lucy on 01267267147 for further details.

All proceeds to the registered Charity- Ferryside Village Forum



Ferryside Social Enterprise News April 28

The future requirements for the education cntre were tabled and extensively discussed. It was noted that facilities for the school remained to be clarified with the head teacher, and officers would chase this up. Mr Colin Butters offered to check up on youth  and gymnasium requirements and Ms Wendy James would clarify further the sports club and MUGA plans, in liaison with Colin and Lynn Shallcross. Mrs Jill Furniss would further progress wellbeing issues and grants along with arrangements for a day centre.

 It was generally agreed that meantime, some of the identified requirements might need to be directly progressed with the County Council, provided that the FSEG committee were informed and updated.

Development Options were tabled by the secretary Mr Les Jones.The meeting wasadvised by the officers that there would be no grant funding available for demolitionand that demolition costs for the first option applying to the whole site would be of the order of £80,000. The second option would require the demolition of everything except the current medical centre and would also be prohibitive. After a vote, anoption to keep most of the buildings was chosen as no major demolition would be required only the removal of the portable cabins .The majority of the meeting felt that this was the most easy to manage, retaining most of the current build and progressing gradually with new developments.

                   Mrs Betsan Bowen emphasised the eventual need for a new Community Hall that could also be used for sport, and that overall a full costing and business case would be required to bid for funding. It was noted that design work would also require costing and the case justified. Indeed, costs would be necessary for each required project.It was noted that City Farms could help with costing allotment requirements. The question was raised, whether the youth hostel or “bunkhouse” project was viable and Mrs Lynn Shallcross reminded the meeting that Tim Shallcross was looking into this. She offered to draw up a suitable proforma for  the requirement costings. The next meeting of the group will take place on May 20th at 7pm in The White Lion Hotel, Glanyfferi

The committee is to arrange a future public meeting to ensure full community and public involvement.

Delme Bowen