Mudiad Cymdeithasol Glanyfferi
Ferryside Social Enterprise Group
A public meeting will be held at Ferryside Village Hall on Saturday December 14th at 2pm, where plans for the future development of the education site will be presented.
Details will be given of the proposed new community centre and hostel along with architect drawings and illustrations. These will focus on the medical centre, well-being facilities, community rooms, arts and crafts, and sport Other organisations with an interest in using and developing the centre are also invited, including, The Village Forum, Broadside Films, Men’s Sheds, and future heritage plans for the ex-RAF huts can also be discussed. Other needs can be identified by the public and future clients will be encouraged to make bids for any appropriate spaces available.
Logo Competition
FSEG are launching a self funding competition in Ferryside and Llansaint to draw up a logo suitable for the new community hub to be developed at the education centre. The competition is supported by the artist Dorothy Morris and entries’ including address along with a £2 entry fee, should be sent to the Chair of FSEG: Rev. Philip Johnes,
“Keepers Cottage”, Glanyfferi.