Mudiad Cymdeithasol Glanyfferi

Ferryside Social Enterprise Group

A public meeting will be held at Ferryside Village Hall on Saturday December 14th at 2pm, where plans for the future development of the education site will be presented.

Details will be given of the proposed new community centre and hostel along with architect drawings and illustrations. These will focus on the medical centre, well-being facilities, community rooms, arts and crafts, and sport Other organisations with an interest in using and developing the centre are also invited, including, The Village Forum, Broadside Films, Men’s Sheds, and future heritage plans for the ex-RAF huts can also be discussed. Other needs can be identified by the public and future clients will be encouraged to make bids for any appropriate spaces available.

Logo Competition

FSEG are launching a self funding competition in Ferryside and Llansaint to draw up a logo suitable for the new community hub to be developed at the education centre. The competition is supported by the artist Dorothy Morris and entries’ including address along with a £2 entry fee, should be sent to the Chair of FSEG: Rev. Philip Johnes,

“Keepers Cottage”, Glanyfferi.

More News about the Xmas Market

Stall holders are working flat out to ensure this Saturday’s Market is a big success.

Dave Jam is promising his usual vast range of jams and chutneys as well as home made festive mincemeat and four (yes 4) different kinds of pickled onion. Dave and his lads will be serving from behind their new market stall (posh)

Banc Organics are promising a wide range of seasonal vegetables including leeks, carrots, onions, Pembrokeshire potatoes,Brussel sprouts, broccoli and kale. All certified organic and most produce coming from their own fields.

Lucy’s Kitchen will have seasonal fare. Mince Pies, Apple pies, Sausage rolls as well as Spanish clementines and a summer favourite home made samosas. Mike’s making brown and white loaves of bread ( only a few so get their early) as well as Olive and rosemary foccacia, by popular demand. Lucy will also have Italian organic olive oil, organic sunflower oil and organic eggs (£2 a 1/2 doz )

Brian will be roasting chestnuts over our new community brazier.

Come along and enjoy.

Xmas Market- News and produce

The Xmas Market is starting this Saturday, 30th November at 10.00.Old Education Centre, Ferryside.

News about some of our stall holders and their products.

Sarah Tosh -Quilt maker of Upland Arms. Sarah will have examples of her Longarm quilting and bespoke quilts along with a wide variety of bags, table-runners and other smaller patchwork and quilted gifts. Talk to sarah on 01267 267 133 or email toshquilts@yahoo.co.uk

Tosh 1 Tosh2



Collette Chadbund. Collette has a  fabulous range of hand made local craft items using drift wood from local beaches. Xmas Trees, Tea light candle holders, wind chimes and a variety of wooden items. See these pictures  of Collette’s work, all at reasonable prices.

Driftwood Xmas Tree

Driftwood Xmas Tree

Wind Chimes

Wind Chimes

Drift Wood

Drift Wood plaque

Candle Holder from Drift Wood

Candle Holder from Drift Wood

Carmarthen Youth Project – People’s Millions

A wyddech chi fod Prosiect Ieuenctid Caerfyrddin (Dr.M’z) wedi llwyddo i gyrraedd rhestr fer mewn cystadleuaeth lle bydd yn cystadlu yn erbyn grŵp ieuenctid o Ogledd Cymru i ennill £50,000!

Ar y 26ain o Dachwedd 2013, bydd rhif ffôn yn cael ei ryddhau o 9am tan hanner nos i’r cyhoedd gael pleidleisio dros y Prosiect.  Bydd y staff a’r bobl ifanc allan yn nhref Caerfyrddin yn hyrwyddo’r prosiect “Growing Green Teens”.  Gallwch chi hefyd bleidleisio dros y bobl ifanc a’u gwylio ar ITV ar ôl newyddion 6 o’r gloch ar y 26ain o Dachwedd! Gwerth ei weld!

Bydd Prosiect Ieuenctid Caerfyrddin (Dr.M’z) yn cynnal y prosiect “Growing Green Teens” er mwyn dysgu sut mae tyfu a datblygu rhandir i bobl ifanc. Deuir â chnydau a dyfir ar y rhandir yn ôl i’r ganolfan ieuenctid lle bydd gwirfoddolwyr yn dysgu dulliau tyfu a gwerthu bwyd i’r bobl ifanc. Bydd y prosiect yn gwella bywydau pobl yn y gymuned drwy gyflwyno prosiect cadarnhaol i bobl ifanc ddifreintiedig, a fydd yn eu helpu i fyw bywydau iach, yn gorfforol ac yn feddyliol.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y prosiect ac i gofnodi eich cefnogaeth, ewch i:  http://www.peoplesmillions.org.uk/2013-finalists/wales/growing-green-teens

*Cofiwch: Ni fydd y rhif ffôn i bleidleisio yn cael ei ryddhau nes 9am ar y 26ain o Dachwedd 2013. Dangoswch eich cefnogaeth i’r achos gwych hwn!

Dewch i gwrdd ar tîm yn cantîn SA31 yn Neuadd Y Sir amser cinio rhwng 12:00yp a 2:00yp ar dydd Mawrth (26ain) am fwy o wybodaeth ynglyn a’r prosiect ac i darganfod y rhif bledleisio!

Did you know that Carmarthen Youth Project (Dr.M’z) has been shortlisted to compete against a youth group in North Wales for the grand prize of £50,000!

On the 26th of November 2013, a number will be released from 9am – midnight for the general public to vote for the Project.  The staff and young people will be out in force in Carmarthen Town to promote their project “Growing Green Teens”.  You can also vote for the young people and see the young people in action on ITV after the 6 o’clock news on the 26th of November! Worth a watch!

Carmarthen Youth Project (Dr. M’z) will run the “Growing Green Teens” project to teach young people how to grow and develop an allotment. Crops grown on the allotment will be brought back to the youth centre where older volunteers will be able to teach the methods of growing and selling food to the young people. The project will improve the lives of people in the community by introducing disadvantaged young people to a positive project that will help them to live physically and mentally healthy lives.

To find out more information regarding the project and to register your support PLEASE follow this link: http://www.peoplesmillions.org.uk/2013-finalists/wales/growing-green-teens

*Remember: Phone number will not be released until 9am on the 26th of November 2013. Please help support this great cause!

Come and meet the team at the SA31 Canteen in County Hall between 12:00pm and 2:00pm lunchtime on Tuesday 26th) for more information about the project and to find out the Voting telephone number!

DRMZ People’s Millions Flyer


Christmas Food and Craft Market. Grand Opening 30th November.

Series of Three Xmas markets to be held on the site of the Old Education Centre, Ferryside. Key Hole planters, New cafe and lots more . Grand opening by MP Jonathan Edwards on Saturday 30th November. 10.00 ’til 1.00 .


Ring  Lucy on 01267267147 for further information.

Xmas flier jpeg