Despite an initial negative response from the Big Lottery fund for a grant to develop the Education Centre at Ferryside, FSEG have now been given the go-ahead to rework and resubmit their bid. Carmarthen County Council have through the good offices of Cllr Mair Stephens also kindly agreed to give FSEG an extension in terms of time to develop future plans.
At their meeting of April 28th the group agreed to follow the advice and feedback of the Big Lottery fund and also to develop a number of new bids in consultation with the County Council. The committee decided to explore the possibilities of obtaining a Welsh Government “Community Facilities Grant” a “Heritage Lottery Grant” for the ex-RAF huts and a “Community Chest Grant”, for the main hall via the Sports Group.
The Heritage Lottery bid would include a World War 11 and RAF heritage centre, an Arts & Crafts initiative led by Dorothy Morris, a “Men’s Sheds” facility , making coracles, a local bird and wild life display involving West Wales Wild Life Trust and the RSPB, Broadside Films and a local market and community gardens led by the Village Forum.
FSEG will continue as the overall umbrella body, coordinating the complementary projects and moving forward under the banner of “FFeri Future” on Face Book and using a logo designed by Dave Smith. The group will meet again of June 2nd at the White Lion Hotel to assess progress