£300 grant from Ferryside Village Forum for sustainability or community well being projects.

Residents of St Ishmaels are invited to apply for a small individual grant to support a project or idea they have: Our only condition is that your idea must be clearly linked to either promoting community sustainability or something that will be of obvious benefit to the whole community. The grant is for individuals not for formal groups, charities or organisations

Tell us briefly what you want to do and how you will use the grant to help you achieve your idea. We hope to distribute up to £300 every six months, starting this autumn. Your letter or email should reach us by the last day in October and we will inform you if you are successful by the end of the second week in November.

You should be sure to include your name, address and contact details (telephone and email address).

The trustees of the Ferryside Village Forum will discuss and decide how the £300 is to be distributed – The decision of the trustees is final.

Please reply to:

Lucy Evans, Ferryside Village Forum, 3 Vicarage Close, Ferryside. SA175SU

or email


Ferryside Village Forum Autumn Walk

On Sunday the 19th October start at 2 pm finish by about 4.30.

Assemble close to Ystrad Bridge, Ferryside. Walk across the fields to Iscoed farm on footpath 62/4. Back toward Iscoed mansion and then on footpath 62/6 toward Nantygoitre-Isaf to check access.

Return back along same path past Iscoed mansion to Ystrad Bridge detouring via Iscoed cottage for a conducted tour of the old gardens.

Contact Mike Evans 07904313156 for further details

Ferryside Village Forum Annual General Meeting

The Ferryside Village Forum AGM will take place on Tuesday 14th October in the Function Room of the Poacher’s Rest, starting at 7-00.

The committee extends a cordial invitation for you to attend and would sincerely welcome your contribution to the discussions concerning the priorities and focus for the work of the forum in the coming year.

As a member you can be actively involved in the election of the trustees and officers of the forum.

Should you wish to you may

  • be part of the committee (a Trustee),
  • be one of the officers
  • can nominate others
  • can vote where there is more than one candidate for a role.

Please click here the nomination form which you can complete electronically and return to the membership secretary membership@ferrysidevillageforum.org.uk  or you can print it out and bring it on the night or send to :-

The Forum Secretary
Horton Villa
SA17 5SA

If you wish to volunteer to join the committee please ask another member to propose you and then sign the form to say you agree to stand.

This will be an exciting year to be a part of the Forum as we expect to be involved in further work developing the Ferryside residential site, creating allotments and mini growing spaces, building on the success of the summer market, supporting further work in the village Sports facilities, regular beach clear-ups and social events.  If you feel we should also be working on other priorities please come along and let us know what is important to you.

If you have any questions please contact me or any other member of the committee.

We look forward to seeing you on October 14th

An open letter to all clubs, societies, interest groups and individuals in the St Ishmaels area

You may have noticed lots of activity in the Old Education Centre in the last few months.

More is about to happen.

This is due to the hard work of the Ferryside Social Enterprise Group (FSEG) which has recently become a charity, the Ferryside Village Forum (who run the market), Ferryside Sports, Men’s Sheds, Broadside films and all the other groups such as the Arts and Heritage group including many enthusiastic Individuals.

We feel very strongly that this valuable resource should be utilised for the benefit of the whole community. An opportunity to get involved and find out what is happening has presented itself.

A local resident with considerable experience in developing similar sites and making successful bids for substantial funding has made a very generous offer to run a series of workshops to bring together the range of ideas that have already been developed and new suggestions that come from the community. Business opportunities will be discussed. He will then help to create a revitalised and inclusive plan of action and work out a schedule of bids that stand a strong chance of succeeding.

This expertise would normally cost a fortune!!

All we need to make this work is YOU

With representatives from the local interest groups, clubs, societies, businesses and enthusiastic individuals from Ferryside, Llansaint and within St Ishmaels parish we will meet on Sunday 12th October to strengthen the Vision and work together on Monday 13th and Tuesday 14th to develop a working plan.

We really do need everyone’s ideas.

If you wish to register and get further details of the programme please contact

3 Vicarage Close, Ferryside, SA17 5SU

01267 267147

mikee@canolnet.plus.com  or  lucy@canolnet.plus.com

If you are unable to attend for the full 2½ days please let us know when you can attend and speak to other group members to make sure your views are known and form part of our plans.

Sent on behalf of

Ferryside Social Enterprise Group
Ferryside Sports
Men’s Sheds
Broadside Films

Workshop details

Where? Sport Hall Ferryside Residential Centre
When? Sunday 12th October 2-00 to 5-00
Monday 13th October 10-00 to 4-00
Tuesday 14th October 10-00 to 4-00
Who? Any resident of the St Ishmaels parish
Any organisation wishing to contribute significantly to the Project
What? Practical sessions to create 

An overall vision for the site


A realistic plan of action within a reasonable timescale