Ferryside Village Forum Annual General Meeting

The Ferryside Village Forum AGM will take place on Tuesday 14th October in the Function Room of the Poacher’s Rest, starting at 7-00.

The committee extends a cordial invitation for you to attend and would sincerely welcome your contribution to the discussions concerning the priorities and focus for the work of the forum in the coming year.

As a member you can be actively involved in the election of the trustees and officers of the forum.

Should you wish to you may

  • be part of the committee (a Trustee),
  • be one of the officers
  • can nominate others
  • can vote where there is more than one candidate for a role.

Please click here the nomination form which you can complete electronically and return to the membership secretary membership@ferrysidevillageforum.org.uk  or you can print it out and bring it on the night or send to :-

The Forum Secretary
Horton Villa
SA17 5SA

If you wish to volunteer to join the committee please ask another member to propose you and then sign the form to say you agree to stand.

This will be an exciting year to be a part of the Forum as we expect to be involved in further work developing the Ferryside residential site, creating allotments and mini growing spaces, building on the success of the summer market, supporting further work in the village Sports facilities, regular beach clear-ups and social events.  If you feel we should also be working on other priorities please come along and let us know what is important to you.

If you have any questions please contact me or any other member of the committee.

We look forward to seeing you on October 14th