The membership fees for the Forum are again £5 per year for the year starting September 2015 to September 2016.
Your continued membership helps support:
- The Summer and Christmas Markets
- Quarterly Poems and Pints Nights
- The Ferryside Village Forum Website
The Forum is also working closely with Ferryside Sports to develop the Sports hall for community use and with Ferryside Education Centre group (FSEG) to help develop the education centre and its environs.We also work closely with the bio diversity department of Carmarthenshire County Council to protect and enhance biodiversity, with Cllr Mair Stephens on relevant issues and with St Ishmaels Community Council. We support the work of The Ferryside School PTA and the local youth club, Ferri Youth.
Your fee for the year may be paid by:-
• Paypal using the links on the Ferryside Village Forum website (Email if you hit a problem)
• In person at any Forum event (The next meeting is on Tuesday the 13th October). Cash or cheque
or by
• sending a cheque payable to Ferryside Village Forum to The Membership Secretary, 3 Vicarage Close, Ferryside. SA175SU
Your membership will be for the year starting on the 1st September.
We look forward to your continued support of our actives and your participation.