Would you like to know more about the birds in the Tywi estuary?

Exciting talk about our fabulous estuary bird life.
This Wednesday at 8 pm in the Village Hall


Jointly sponsored by
Natural Resources Wales,Carmarthenshire County Council and Ferryside Village Forum.

Come along enjoy and learn more about our wonderful natural environment.
All welcome.

estuary life poster

Jim Greer’s glass fusing and leaded panels

Jim Greer lives in Ferryside and does glass fusion along with leaded panels. Jim studied architectural glass in Swansea, and taught glass for a number of years.

Come along to the first of the Ferryside Village Forum’s Christmas Markets which will be starting tomorrow (Saturday the 5th of December) at 10am to see some of Jim’s glass fusion and leaded panels

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning at the Calon Y Fferi Community Centre (former residential education centre).


Beth Mangano cushions and candles at tomorrow’s Christmas Market

The first of the Ferryside Village Forum’s Christmas Markets will be starting tomorrow (Saturday the 5th of December) at 10am. Beth Mangano cushions and candles will be with us  along with many other stall holders and other events.

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning at the Calon Y Fferi Community Centre (former residential education centre).

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