The Ferryside Village Forum invites you to take part in a Beach Clean on the 26th April on the so called Marsh area close to the railway line to the North of Ferryside. The public are invited to meet on the foreshore close to the yacht club or go direct to the Marsh area the other side of the railway line.
The litter pick starts at 10.00 am and should finish by about 2.00 pm. Your time will be much appreciated as there is a lot of litter to pick.
You need gloves and stout boots or wellingtons. Bags and pickers will be provided.
This event is jointly organised by Colin Butters and Dan Snaith of Keep Wales Tidy
The Forum hope to organise two litter picks a year and will publicise via the Ferryside Village Forum Facebook page, twitter @FerrysideVF and on our web site https://www.ferrysidevillageforum.org.uk.
CONTACT Mike Evans – 07904313156 for more detail.