Share your wild life pictures

Over the past few years we have worked with Rosie Carmichael,Carmarthenshire Rural Conservation officer with funding support by Natural Resources Wales,taking part in a number of exciting events to help us “see” and cherish our wonderful local environment better.
This year we want to encourage you to take pictures of the natural world and share them.In this way we can celebrate our diverse environment, stretching from the banks of the Tywi estuary through Ferryside village up to Llansaint and include dedicated farm land as well as natural wooded areas.
You can log into the West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre (WWBIC) register and record your sightings of plants, insects and animals and help everyone build up a picture of our local environment.
Alternatively you can send us your pictures with a note saying when and where you took the picture and what you think you have snapped. We will endeavour to put these onto a separate page of this site for you to enjoy.Email See Natural Resources in Ferryside
My contribution, a fungi seen growing on a fallen ash branch. I think its a Many-zoned Polypore (courtesy of Professor Google) . Taken in woods close to Ferryside on the 11th November 2016.

Natural Resources in Ferryside

Working with WWBIC and Rosie Carmichael we have identified 4 distinct environments in the Ferryside area with a brief description of each. We hope to link your photos to one of these different areas.

The estuary (Blue Area) is an example of a natural resource that provides food, opportunities for recreation, a home to an amazing variety of wildlife, and the basis of a local tourism industry. The Tywi estuary is one of the finest estuaries in Wales, and one of European importance for the habitats and species it supports. In mapping the estuary we have included the estuarine sands and muds and the saltmarshes.
The enclosed farm land (Green Area) includes hedgerows and ponds and some water courses. Much of this land benefits from the fertile soils derived from the old red sandstones, and it supports mix of farms, – dairy, beef and sheep, with some areas of arable crop areas. Today some farmland in Ferryside is being used for producing renewable energy from photovoltaic panels.
The village itself (Red Area) – also contains many areas suitable for wildlife. Surveys in the summer of 2015, with the Bat Conservation Trust, identified 7 species of bat foraging in the area. Mature trees, garden ponds, streams, stone walls, as well as wildlife friendly houses and gardens are all important for wildlife.
More natural areas (Purple Area) – woods, species-rich grasslands, wetlands, rivers, ponds and streams – these are the areas that support much of our wildlife.
Why it matters
Careful management of Natural Resources ensures we can meet the varied needs of today, and hopefully those of the future. For example woodlands can be managed to provide, at any one time, shelter, timber and habitats for wildlife, and places for quiet relaxation, while we can garden in a way that provides us with some food, and creates overwintering habitat for wildlife. Managing our agricultural soils carefully ensures that it will continue to be productive for future generations. Looking after the hedgerows, field margins, areas of rough land and water courses on farmland, can help reduce flooding and provide a network of wildlife habitats around the more intensively managed areas.


The Ferryside Village Forum invites you to take part in a Beach Clean on the 26th April on the so called Marsh area close to the railway line to the North of Ferryside. The public are invited to meet on the foreshore close to the yacht club or go direct to the Marsh area the other side of the railway line.

The litter pick starts at 10.00 am and should finish by about 2.00 pm. Your time will be much appreciated as there is a lot of litter to pick.

You need gloves and stout boots or wellingtons. Bags and pickers will be provided.

This event is jointly organised by Colin Butters and Dan Snaith of Keep Wales Tidy

The Forum hope to organise two litter picks a year and will publicise via the Ferryside Village Forum Facebook page, twitter @FerrysideVF and on our web site

CONTACT Mike Evans – 07904313156 for more detail.

Exciting Theatre event for young and old In Ferryside on the 23rd January

small-world-theatre (1)
 On Saturday 23rd January at 1:30 pm in Ferryside Village Hall, Hall terrace  there will be a performance of Tales from the Taiga, by the Cardigan based Small World Theatre who have worked across Wales and overseas. This will be followed by a bring and share tea, so please get baking, and then there will be a discussion on what we think about the natural areas that we have around Ferryside, and how these can be safeguarded and enhanced for future generation.  While this is going on there will also be a shadow puppet workshop for children.
This wonderful tale comes from the Nanai people who live in the frozen Taiga forests of Siberia.  Magical creatures are played by puppets and there is music and story-telling. It will be fun for everyone. The play has a strong environmental theme and will be followed by shadow puppet workshop for children, and a discussion on safeguarding the natural environment around Ferryside for others, with a view to producing a map of the area’s natural resources.
The event will finish at about 4:30 pm. It is FREE, everyone is welcome, and the performance is suitable for all ages.The Forum cafe will be open selling fresh coffee, tea and juices.
What audiences have thought of ‘Tales from the Taiga’:

“Excellent! Really thought provoking and beautifully presented!”

“Fantastic, engrossing, full of surprises. I am 58 and I enjoyed it as much as the kids.”

“What an amazing time we all had! The performance was just the right length.”

“Its a wonderful show and a day that will stay with me and the children for a long time.”

The event is organised by Carmarthenshire County Council and funded by Natural Resources Wales. The event is hosted by the Ferryside Village Forum.
Cynhelir y digwyddiad hwn gan Gyngor Sir Gâr a’i hariennir gan Gyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Bydd Fforwm Pentre Glanyfferi yn westywyr y diwrnod.
Please contact Mike Evans on 01267267147 for any further details you need.






Would you like to know more about the birds in the Tywi estuary?

Exciting talk about our fabulous estuary bird life.
This Wednesday at 8 pm in the Village Hall


Jointly sponsored by
Natural Resources Wales,Carmarthenshire County Council and Ferryside Village Forum.

Come along enjoy and learn more about our wonderful natural environment.
All welcome.

estuary life poster