Exciting Theatre event for young and old In Ferryside on the 23rd January

small-world-theatre (1)
 On Saturday 23rd January at 1:30 pm in Ferryside Village Hall, Hall terrace  there will be a performance of Tales from the Taiga, by the Cardigan based Small World Theatre who have worked across Wales and overseas. This will be followed by a bring and share tea, so please get baking, and then there will be a discussion on what we think about the natural areas that we have around Ferryside, and how these can be safeguarded and enhanced for future generation.  While this is going on there will also be a shadow puppet workshop for children.
This wonderful tale comes from the Nanai people who live in the frozen Taiga forests of Siberia.  Magical creatures are played by puppets and there is music and story-telling. It will be fun for everyone. The play has a strong environmental theme and will be followed by shadow puppet workshop for children, and a discussion on safeguarding the natural environment around Ferryside for others, with a view to producing a map of the area’s natural resources.
The event will finish at about 4:30 pm. It is FREE, everyone is welcome, and the performance is suitable for all ages.The Forum cafe will be open selling fresh coffee, tea and juices.
What audiences have thought of ‘Tales from the Taiga’:

“Excellent! Really thought provoking and beautifully presented!”

“Fantastic, engrossing, full of surprises. I am 58 and I enjoyed it as much as the kids.”

“What an amazing time we all had! The performance was just the right length.”

“Its a wonderful show and a day that will stay with me and the children for a long time.”

The event is organised by Carmarthenshire County Council and funded by Natural Resources Wales. The event is hosted by the Ferryside Village Forum.
Cynhelir y digwyddiad hwn gan Gyngor Sir Gâr a’i hariennir gan Gyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Bydd Fforwm Pentre Glanyfferi yn westywyr y diwrnod.
Please contact Mike Evans on 01267267147 for any further details you need.






Fly-Posting in Ferryside

Small voluntary groups in Ferryside are being fined or are being threatened with fines and prosecution for simply putting up leaflets and posters advertising forthcoming events. This is a time honoured way for folk in Ferryside to become aware of the various activities and events taking place in the village – not any more! The advice offered by the Environmental Enforcement Officer in his letter( plus picture of our offending poster )to the Forum was for us to use the (small) public notice board outside the toilets. He also sent us a leaflet setting out the county policy, the only problem being that it does not match the much tougher policy now being followed. http://www.carmarthenshire.gov.uk/english/environment/streetcleaning/pages/flyposting.aspx

Here is a small sample ;

Signs/posters/banners on our roads must be:

• Notified to the Street Works Section by email to Streetcare@carmarthenshire.gov.uk giving a minimum of 10 days notice, accompanied by photos and dimensions of the signs and location plan of proposed locations. The Street Works Section will consult the Environmental Enforcement Team / Area Office / Traffic Management staff. Signage will be tolerated if no objections are received. However, should any highways staff deem the signage to be a hazard the right to remove it is retained at all times.

• Have a minimum clearance of 2.1 metres above any footway or walkway.

• Be a minimum of 0.45 metres from the edge of carriageway.

• Of presentable quality.

• Be erected for no longer than 14 days prior to an event.

• Less than three miles from the location of the event.

• Generally be removed three days after the event has finished.



The Carmarthenshire County Council- Environment and Public Protection department recently posted a press release  “The number of litter fines has … increased by 58%, from 182 in 2011/12 to 287 in 2012/13.
Officers handed out 31 fixed penalty notices for graffiti / fly-posting and a total of 93 offences were also prosecuted in court.
The increase is a result of the new council administration following last May’s elections which pledged to get tough on dog fouling and litter. 
Executive Board Member for Environmental and Public Protection Cllr Jim Jones said: “We don’t want to fine people, but if they fail to take notice of our warnings then we have no choice.”

Councillor Jim Jones could usefully pay Ferryside a visit and see for himself the impact of his new policy on our community. 


Village event fined!

Breaking News:”The Ferryside Garden Club holds an annual event of plant sales and a ‘Strongest Man’ competition. The proceeds from the former fund the Garden Club and from the latter the Life Boat. We normally advertise this event by displaying notices at each end of the village. However, this year the Council have removed the signs and issued us with a ‘fixed penalty’ fine of £75 which we are required to pay within a short time window. Our new secretary Jackie Brown has been doing a sterling job responding to this issue and Jonathan and Rhodri have written to the Council objecting to the fine on our behalf…..”