Share your wild life pictures

Over the past few years we have worked with Rosie Carmichael,Carmarthenshire Rural Conservation officer with funding support by Natural Resources Wales,taking part in a number of exciting events to help us “see” and cherish our wonderful local environment better.
This year we want to encourage you to take pictures of the natural world and share them.In this way we can celebrate our diverse environment, stretching from the banks of the Tywi estuary through Ferryside village up to Llansaint and include dedicated farm land as well as natural wooded areas.
You can log into the West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre (WWBIC) register and record your sightings of plants, insects and animals and help everyone build up a picture of our local environment.
Alternatively you can send us your pictures with a note saying when and where you took the picture and what you think you have snapped. We will endeavour to put these onto a separate page of this site for you to enjoy.Email See Natural Resources in Ferryside
My contribution, a fungi seen growing on a fallen ash branch. I think its a Many-zoned Polypore (courtesy of Professor Google) . Taken in woods close to Ferryside on the 11th November 2016.

A talk by Colin Russell including a practical session on recording wildlife sightings around Ferryside

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A talk by Colin Russell including a practical session on recording wildlife sightings around Ferryside

Saturday 1st October, Calon Y Fferi –Main Building, 1- 3pm,

West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre invites you to record your sightings of the wildlife in your area.

WWBIC maintains a database of almost 2 million species records for West Wales which are used by many public bodies to inform decisions which might affect wildlife. Of the 1,846 species records we hold within 1km of Ferryside we have many plant and bird records, but only one mollusc, one reptile record and none for amphibians. That means we have no records of any frogs or toads near Ferryside!

Following a short introduction, we will take a walk outdoors and record some common species we see, then return to put these records into a system that anyone can access online. You will need only a notebook and pen and clothing suitable for the weather.



Exciting Theatre event for young and old In Ferryside on the 23rd January

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 On Saturday 23rd January at 1:30 pm in Ferryside Village Hall, Hall terrace  there will be a performance of Tales from the Taiga, by the Cardigan based Small World Theatre who have worked across Wales and overseas. This will be followed by a bring and share tea, so please get baking, and then there will be a discussion on what we think about the natural areas that we have around Ferryside, and how these can be safeguarded and enhanced for future generation.  While this is going on there will also be a shadow puppet workshop for children.
This wonderful tale comes from the Nanai people who live in the frozen Taiga forests of Siberia.  Magical creatures are played by puppets and there is music and story-telling. It will be fun for everyone. The play has a strong environmental theme and will be followed by shadow puppet workshop for children, and a discussion on safeguarding the natural environment around Ferryside for others, with a view to producing a map of the area’s natural resources.
The event will finish at about 4:30 pm. It is FREE, everyone is welcome, and the performance is suitable for all ages.The Forum cafe will be open selling fresh coffee, tea and juices.
What audiences have thought of ‘Tales from the Taiga’:

“Excellent! Really thought provoking and beautifully presented!”

“Fantastic, engrossing, full of surprises. I am 58 and I enjoyed it as much as the kids.”

“What an amazing time we all had! The performance was just the right length.”

“Its a wonderful show and a day that will stay with me and the children for a long time.”

The event is organised by Carmarthenshire County Council and funded by Natural Resources Wales. The event is hosted by the Ferryside Village Forum.
Cynhelir y digwyddiad hwn gan Gyngor Sir Gâr a’i hariennir gan Gyfoeth Naturiol Cymru. Bydd Fforwm Pentre Glanyfferi yn westywyr y diwrnod.
Please contact Mike Evans on 01267267147 for any further details you need.






Would you like to know more about the birds in the Tywi estuary?

Wednesday 16th December 2015  8.00 pm
Ferryside Village Hall, Hall Terrace. SA175SN. Ferryside

Come along to a talk by Neil Calbrade about the birds in the Estuary and on the Ferryside foreshore. The talk will be in The Ferryside Village Hall starting at 8.00pm. Neil is a research ecologist with the British Trust for Ornithology, and is the national organiser of the Wetland Bird Survey ( ). He will talk about the birds we see in the estuary, and why this area is recognised as being of European importance for the coastal habitats and birds it supports. Neil will be happy to answer any questions about birds you may have.

This talk is jointly organised by Carmarthenshire County Council, with grant aid from Natural Resources Wales, and Ferryside Village Forum, with the aim of promoting biodiversity in the Ferryside and St Ishmael area. All very welcome. Contact Mike Evans 01267 267147 for further details. Entry is free.