Bee Friendly Carmarthen

On November 2nd, Friends of the Earth Cymru are launching a new project to make Carmarthen an official Bee Friendly town.

The Welsh Government launched a new nationwide scheme for towns, communities, schools, businesses, universities, public bodies and places of worship to encourage action around pollinators under the title Bee Friendly / Caru Gwenyn ( )  in September.

We would like to make Carmarthen  one of the first towns in Wales to be an official ‘Bee Friendly’ town,  so we are launching this new project with a special film showing and talk by Friends of the Earth bee campaigner Bleddyn Lake

If you would like to get involved with Bee Friendly Carmarthen please do join us :

7pm Wednesday, November 2nd

Carmarthen Library
9 St. Peter’s Street,
SA31 1LN

The Four Goals for Bee Friendly are:
1. Food–providing pollinator-friendly food sources in your area
2. Five Star accommodation–providing places for insect pollinators to live
3. Freedom from pesticides and herbicides – committing to avoid chemicals that harm pollinators
4. Fun–involving all the community and telling people why you are helping pollinators.

Terry Howe
Friends of the Earth Cymru
33 Castle Arcade Balcony
CF10 1BY

Tel 029 2022 9577

A talk by Colin Russell including a practical session on recording wildlife sightings around Ferryside

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A talk by Colin Russell including a practical session on recording wildlife sightings around Ferryside

Saturday 1st October, Calon Y Fferi –Main Building, 1- 3pm,

West Wales Biodiversity Information Centre invites you to record your sightings of the wildlife in your area.

WWBIC maintains a database of almost 2 million species records for West Wales which are used by many public bodies to inform decisions which might affect wildlife. Of the 1,846 species records we hold within 1km of Ferryside we have many plant and bird records, but only one mollusc, one reptile record and none for amphibians. That means we have no records of any frogs or toads near Ferryside!

Following a short introduction, we will take a walk outdoors and record some common species we see, then return to put these records into a system that anyone can access online. You will need only a notebook and pen and clothing suitable for the weather.



Would you like to know more about the birds in the Tywi estuary?

Exciting talk about our fabulous estuary bird life.
This Wednesday at 8 pm in the Village Hall


Jointly sponsored by
Natural Resources Wales,Carmarthenshire County Council and Ferryside Village Forum.

Come along enjoy and learn more about our wonderful natural environment.
All welcome.

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Would you like to know more about the birds in the Tywi estuary?

Wednesday 16th December 2015  8.00 pm
Ferryside Village Hall, Hall Terrace. SA175SN. Ferryside

Come along to a talk by Neil Calbrade about the birds in the Estuary and on the Ferryside foreshore. The talk will be in The Ferryside Village Hall starting at 8.00pm. Neil is a research ecologist with the British Trust for Ornithology, and is the national organiser of the Wetland Bird Survey ( ). He will talk about the birds we see in the estuary, and why this area is recognised as being of European importance for the coastal habitats and birds it supports. Neil will be happy to answer any questions about birds you may have.

This talk is jointly organised by Carmarthenshire County Council, with grant aid from Natural Resources Wales, and Ferryside Village Forum, with the aim of promoting biodiversity in the Ferryside and St Ishmael area. All very welcome. Contact Mike Evans 01267 267147 for further details. Entry is free.

Disappearing Hay Meadows and our wonderful Welsh countryside

Chatted last night with founder Forum member Victoria Bancroft in the Yacht Club,Ferryside. Victoria recommended watching a short speech by the BBC wildlife reporter Iolo Williams The Welsh Assembly in 2013. I found it a moving and sincere call to action.

You can watch it by clicking this link

Thanks for this Victoria.