Ferryside Village Forum Autumn Walk

On Sunday the 19th October start at 2 pm finish by about 4.30.

Assemble close to Ystrad Bridge, Ferryside. Walk across the fields to Iscoed farm on footpath 62/4. Back toward Iscoed mansion and then on footpath 62/6 toward Nantygoitre-Isaf to check access.

Return back along same path past Iscoed mansion to Ystrad Bridge detouring via Iscoed cottage for a conducted tour of the old gardens.

Contact Mike Evans 07904313156 for further details

Complementary Health Day. Sunday May 19th. Ferryside Village Hall


Come along to this great event on Sunday the 19th May in Ferryside Village Hall. Starts at 10 a.m

Entry is free and all are welcome

Come along and chat to the practitioners in Aromatherapy, Holistic facials, Human Givens therapy, Indian Head massage, Japanese hand massage, Kinesiology, Reflexology,

Thai foot massage, and much more. Some Practitioners will be offering individual taster sessions Reiki and Tarot readings are available throughout the day for a small fee.

Introductory workshops in Alexander Technique at 11 and Yoga at 12 . You can book a place when you arrive. Delicious healthy snacks, fresh juices, coffee and tea available throughout the day from “Mike’s” market café kitchen.

Contact Lucy on 01267267147 for further details.

All proceeds to the registered Charity- Ferryside Village Forum


oil group



You are probably aware that by buying oil as a group you can enjoy cheaper rates.

I am prepared to order oil for people living in Ferryside

However, there are certain conditions:


I  use J E Lawrence, whose rates are very competitive, and if you pay the driver or send payment to them within a week of delivery you qualify for a discount.

By ordering oil this way the company sends out less tankers, which in turn must be kinder to our environment.

For further information please contact

Jean James 01267 267272  or e-mail ferryclan@hotmail.com