Building a website using WordPress beginners course

Building a website using 


Beginners course

Six weeks beginners course on a Wednesday evening

Starting Wednesday September the 11th

From 7.30pm to 9.30pm in Ferryside Village Hall

Please bring a Wi-Fi enabled laptop and power charger

£25 for the six weeks subject to a minimum of 10 attendees registering

Discounts for members of Ferryside Sports, Ferryside Village Forum and the Ferryside Social Enterprise Group

For more information and to register please email

Photoshop at village hall

Photo and Video Edit

Would you like to edit your digital photos or videos using photoshop but don’t want to invest in expensive software.  If so Ferryside Village Hall has good news for you.  Our PC now has Photoshop and Photoshop Premiere installed which you can use when you hire the committee room (Only £6 per session)  Better still, free  training in the software will be given, starting on 10th April, 7pm.  Contact Les Jones 01267267123  to reserve a place.



  • 38 Degrees are a campaigning group with a range of activities, click the link to check them out:  Their Achievements

Also see these area:


Right now, plans are going through parliament about the future of our energy. But George Osborne is blocking a crucial element: a watertight target for the UK to produce carbon-free electricity by 2030.

Tim Yeo MP, the former Conservative environment minister, has put down a green amendment to the the government’s energy plans. It’s exactly what’s needed to make sure a firm target is in place.

MPs have a choice. Do they stand up for a cleaner, greener Britain, or do they side with Osborne and his dirty fossil fuels? It’s up to us to persuade them to side with Tim Yeo. Can you email your MP now to make sure they support the amendment?  


Clean energy vs George Osborne: email your MP 

Email your MP to pressure them into supporting a cleaner, greener Britain.