Dear All,
As you may be aware there is the possibility that the public toilets in Ferryside might be closed. Delme is leading the petition, and other actions working towards keeping the facilites open. I enclose his words for your perusal and support.
Dear Forum members,
I enclose below a response received from Carmarthen county council when challenged by Plaid in respect of potential closure of public toilets :
“I refer to your letter dated 19th December in connection with the Ferryside public convenience.
As you are aware, Carms County Council has had to deliver a number of efficiency savings over the last few years due to the extremely poor climate. Further efficiency savings are now required over the next three years and consequently the Council’s Executive Board recently agreed to the transfer of public conveniences to Town and Community Councils.
The Council does not have statutory obligation to public conveniences and unfortunately in these difficult times the cost of operating these facilities is not suitable and I trust that you will appreciate that priority has to be given to the delivery of key statutory services.
We have been in contact with all Town and Community Councils where our public conveniences are located in order to assist with the possibility of transfer and we are currently in discussion with St Ishmael’s Community Council in relation to Ferryside Public Convenience”
It now transpires that St Ishmael community council has rejected the possibility of transfer on the terms made by the County council. This could mean that our public toilet could close. Surely the County council could find easier ways of saving money that would not jepordise our convenience and environmental health? I would like the Forum to formally consider joining in a local campaign to save our public toilet. Personally, I intend to start a petition which will be placed in the village shop and Post office shortly.
Keep Fighting,